Monday, January 25, 2010

The Doc Is In

Our own Dr. Morbius writes a very interesting and compelling blog today called "Identities."  Thinking through her post at length, I've decided not to give any opinion for the sake of only directing you there to form your own.

What are you waiting for?

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's My Life

A fellow blogger recently shared a link to friend's blog.  This woman is a truck driver who is trying to give up long haul driving to work for companies that offer local driving in her area.  In her most recent post "The Unraveling," Julie shares how she applied for a position with a company but was told that she was denied employment...not based on her qualifications but because of her gender identity.   She was told that because she is still pre-op that she must obey male dress code standards.  How would you feel if you were told to cut your hair and wear attire opposite of how you identify, even if you've already begun transition and have legally changed your name and gender marker? 

Head on over to "It's My Life" and show your support for Julie. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Conversation

For the trans community, what is perhaps the most important conversation ever is going on right now.

Get in there. Participate.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Helping Her Find Her Way Home

This morning I received a comment on my blog by another mother of a transgender teen.  In "Helping Her Find Her Way Home," this mother describes coming to terms and beginning the process of allowing her fifteen-year-old trans daughter to transition from male to female.  Her therapist recommended she start a blog, and she already has three posts up. 

Her blog is over on Wordpress so there is no Followers gadget yet up, but I've added her to the blogroll here on T-Central below so you can keep up with her and her child's progress. 

You can find her blog HERE.