Monday, July 30, 2012

Can Marriage Survive One Partner Transitioning?

Jack Molay is the author of a blog called Crossdreamers.  He freely admits to being a "man dreaming about having a female body" and has coined the term, crossdreamers to be synonymous with the term, "autogynephiliac".   He is an excellent writer and, as such, has had his blog listed here on T-Central for some time now.

A few days ago, Jack published a letter from the wife of someone who is transitioning.  She's trying to understand, but probably never will, at least completely.  She clearly articulates the thoughts and questions going through her mind and mentions just how little information is out there for the spouses of those who are transitioning.

Jack's reply is in the comments section of this post and is worth reading, as is the lively commentary from other readers of this post.  Go here to read it.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

What is in a name?

When I'm perusing the blogs, I'll always look at the comments.  When I see a name I'm not familiar with, I'll see if he or she has a public profile.  When I go to the profile, I will sometimes notice that this person authors a blog that I wasn't aware of.

Such was the case when I found Laurie.  She had left a comment on another blog and I followed the trail to her wonderful blog, Who Am I Really?.  Laurie is a believer in love and marriage and making IT work....and that's my thing also, so it was a pleasant surprise to find Laurie.

With that said, I wanted to introduce you to this new blogger by sending you to a sweet post where she tells you just how she came upon her name.  Almost every TG blogger has done a post like this one, but Laurie's is really well written and I know you will enjoy reading it.  The post is titled What is in a name?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

How Unordinary

Nadine is a heroine in a book I should write,
she is writing it herself,

over at Unordinary Style.

This post  ~ not really about nails ~ not about clothes, it is about how right it is to find then be ourselves.

Brava Nadine!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Pure Joy

Once in a long while a post comes our way in the "The People - Personal Thoughts" section that is pure joy. 

Caroline's "In my own skin…" over at TIME REGAINED is such a post, as she explains how life now rates as an eleven on what used to be a one to ten scale.

While you visit, take time to travel back and see how far this delightful lady has come.