Thursday, August 23, 2012

Trolls Anonymous

This featured post is for those of you who are blog authors.

Natasha discusses the folks out there who, for whatever reason, leave comments anonymously.  She theorizes that:

They cannot own their own words for fear someone might discover who they are and then
The jig is up!!!

Someone who knows them "in real life" might find out that they are or were or whatever something to do with the dreaded T and they will be shunned.
We bloggers do have a choice.  Google's Blogger, and I'm sure this is true of the other blogging platforms out there, gives the author the choice of allowing any comment to pass through or to moderate comments.  It allows the author the choice of whether or not to require someone leaving a comment to correctly enter a verification screen code prior to accepting the comment.  It also gives the author the option of automatically rejecting comments from anonymous readers.

I have found that there have been some wonderful anonymous readers who have left comments on my blog, and some have since identified themselves via private emails to me and become close friends.  I have had my share of what Natasha refers to as the "Trolls".  But, I continue to accept anonymous comments, albeit moderated.
Our policy at T-Central is currently to accept anonymous comments, but we are set for comment moderation.

Take a look at Natasha's post, Trolls Anonymous, on her blog Always, no Sometimes.  If you're a blogger, I'd love to know just what your policy is regarding anonymous comments.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Boy and a Girl

It's short and it's sweet.  

It's from Samantha.

It's titled A Boy and a Girl...

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A woman Named Beth

Halle shares a vivid dream with us.  It's about a conversation with a woman on the beach, and it's just so beautifully written.

Do find a few minutes to read A Woman Named Beth.