Monday, November 24, 2014

The Virtues of Brittle Nails and Split Ends

It amazes me when some would say ‘why on earth would you want to be a woman’, usually pointing out medical problems or the battle in the work place for fair pay and letching that some men still persist in. Despite the virtues of brittle nails and split ends nothing changes the innate inner feelings which when examined come to the same conclusion that I want to be; despite the upkeep.

Hannah is always thinking and putting her thoughts into writing.  The excerpt, above, is from our featured post, The Virtues of Brittle Nails and Split Ends.  It's a fun, well written post, and you'll want to read it from start to finish.

I've mentioned many times, here on T-Central, how much I value good writing.  Hannah is one of the best.  The trans reader just can't help but relate to what she writes.  This, for example, is from a post titled, Not As Me:

I’ve grown into my gender dysphoria. It’s slid sideways into my real life slowly changing who I am. Of course it’s not actually the gender dysphoria that is taking over me but self discovery of who I am as an adult moulding me into the person I actually want to be. In fact that person is different to what I expected. She is a place that is nicer to be than the one who wanted to outwardly impress by beauty or youth. She is the person who is finding the intellect that she didn’t realize she had. The person with the artistic expression she found in her thirties. She is me. Maybe this is what becoming a woman is all about.

And this, from her post, Hollywood Red and Gloss:

When gender clashed with my life it was an exciting double life full of vibrant thrills and new people that were completely separate from the daily trudge of work, commuting, bills and commitments; it was like a holiday. One day I came to a screaming realization that the thought I had in my teens that this was a reality, it suddenly became very much at odds with everyday existence. Much like the path of a drug addiction the stick of Maybelline Hollywood Red was no longer a treat but a daily dependency just to feel normal. As shallow as it might sound even dull nails that are lacking at least one thin clear coat can be a little depressing.

I could go on and on about this blog.  I recently discovered it, and I'm hooked.   You will be too.


  1. Hi Calie,

    Thank you so much for featuring my blog. I found T-Central a few months ago when I noticed it in my blog stats and found lots of incredible blogs and life experiences. When I saw the feature blogs I always thought that it would be great if one day I was lucky enough to have my blog appear and now it has. So thank you for the support and thank you to my regular followers and anyone new who finds it helpful or enjoyable. I do read and reply to all comments and messages. These are the things that keep me writing.

    I should also mention the Angels Forum site which is where I started the blog updates (Starting My Blog Again thread) and the great support from those on the forum.

    Hannah x

  2. Thanks, Hannah. It's a lovely blog, written from the heart. My kind of writing!

    Calie xxx
