Friday, February 27, 2015

Transsexual Ambivalence

At a panel of post-operative transwomen a few years ago, I heard one transwoman say, “If you’re 100% sure surgery is for you — it probably isn’t.”

Another good post, that makes you think, from one of my favorite bloggers, Kathleen.

Transsexual Ambivalence, from Kathleen's Genderblog.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A Blessing

I am no longer considered "normal" or "One of the guys."  I've changed teams in the most extreme way possible.  Still, so many friendships... gone.

Sophie has transitioned.  As a result, she lost many friends but, in some ways, sees it as a blessing in disguise.

Read why in, A Blessing, from her blog, A Woman Named Sophie.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

It's so nice to meet an old friend ...

How many of you out there have met someone else you can identify with, from a trans perspective?  I'm talking about someone you can look in the eye, over coffee, lunch, dinner, etc.; someone you can talk to openly; someone you can cry with; someone you can laugh with; someone who really understands what you are going through.  

It was many years ago when I first met someone else I could identify with and talk with openly about things that only someone else who is trans can understand.  I'll never forget that day.  It was at a Starbucks coffeehouse.  I was petrified when I walked in.  My new friend was relaxed and waiting for me.  I was on cloud nine for many days after that.  It was the day that I finally found someone who could answer my questions and empathize with what I was going though.

I live in what some may consider the center of the trans universe, in a city where transgender folks are plentiful and are more accepted than in many other parts of the world.  For me, with many, many transwomen close by, finding someone to chat with over coffee was relatively easy to do, once I had the nerve to actually do it.

Some, however, live in relatively remote areas, totally devoid of anyone else who is openly trans.  Such is the case with my dear friend and T-Central admin, Halle, who lives in rural Ontario, Canada.  Halle has T-friends all over the world but, until yesterday, had never actually met, face-to-face, another transwoman or transman.  

Thanks to fellow bloggers, April and Cassidy, Halle was introduced to another blogger, Alice, who lives not too far from her.  The two got together, over lunch, and....well I'm sure Halle will be blogging about this, but why not read about it from Alice's perspective and discover a new blog?  Read, It's so nice to meet an Old Friend..., from Alice in Wonderland.

You may note that none of this would have happened had Halle, April, Alice and Cass not been part of the blogging world. If you've been thinking about blogging, get your feet wet and start doing it!  You won't be disappointed!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

3 Tips For Gender Questioners

It isn't something someone else can tell any of us. 

"If you are profoundly unhappy with your gender status, chances are you would benefit from some form of transition–that is to say, some kind of readjustment, internal and external, to relieve pain and nurture contentment. What might that adjustment look like for you? How do you figure out where to start, and where to stop?"


Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Transgender Flag

You've seen it when we feature a guest post in our Thoughts and Reflections series.  It's the Transgender Flag.

What do the different stripes mean?  Genevieve explains in a short post titled, The Transgender Flag.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Say What?

Natalie has had enough of the crude comments directed towards those who are trans.  It's a rant and it's worth reading.  There's a bit of profanity in this post.....Natalie is a bit emotional about this subject.

Say What is well written and should resonate with many T-Central blog readers.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


She's "...a forty something parent, software engineer, triathlete, budding burlesque and belly dancer, and a science fiction fan" and she's thinking about her sexuality.

Interesting thoughts from Jenna that I've blogged about myself a time or two.

Jenna's World is the blog.  Sexuality is the post.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Assigned Male

Sophie Labelle has created a wonderful illustrated world where Stephie lives.  

If I was 10 years old now, Stephie is the friend I would want to play with. Clever and well-spoken and well, a girl. I always played with the smart girls in my neighbourhood, at least until my folks started thinking it meant I was homosexual and they wanted to ‘fix that’. Strange world in 1960.. 

Anyway, we live in 2015 and so does Stephie, thank goodness! 

We have listed Assigned Male below so you will see the updates twice a week, but for a good read, fun and food for thought, follow the arrow to the beginning of Stephie’s travels in our world.  

Friday, February 6, 2015

ObserVation: Heels for Health..

As my wife was trying on shoes I wandered off in the direction of the large sizes and browsed. I held my distance as I didn’t want to bring attention to myself. After a while I wandered back. As we chatted with the owner, out of the blue she said that she had seen I had been looking at the high heels, and she asked if I would like to try them on! 

So, did Abigale try them on????  Read Abigale's post, ObserVation: Heels for Health.., to find out!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Happy Birthday, Caroline!!

I was late getting going with my transition. Times have changed, medical help is now more widely available and more importantly the tide seems to have changed with greater acceptance by the media and the general public. I am happy to communicate with anyone who is interested via email but comments to individual posts are now closed. I waited too long and hope my writing helps others not waste their lives, good luck to you all. Caroline December 2014. 

Caroline, one of the sweetest girls in the blogging world for many years now, was 3 years old on February 3rd.  Please wish her a Happy Birthday by visiting her blog, Time Regained.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Dysphoric Moments

Last night, I had what I describe as a ‘dysphoric moment’.  Irregularly, and fortunately not frequently, I get a burst of intense panic where I have the most intense emotional feeling that I can’t live for a moment longer without expressing myself as a female.

Yeah, been there, done that, bought the attire.  Interesting thoughts from Rhiannon, in her post, Dysphoric Moments.

Monday, February 2, 2015

What's in a Name Change

We haven't visited the Condo lately, so I guess it's about time to feature one of the more prolific bloggers on the T-Central blog roll.
Today, Cyrsti discusses What's in a Name Change.

She starts out with this comment:

I can not describe the trauma involved with being seated in a Doctor's waiting room, knowing full well someone is going to scream out my very male name.

If you haven't read the post, this excerpt should get you knocking on the door of condo. Why not pay Cyrsti a visit now?