Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dah-di-dah-dit, dah-dah-di-dah

Jenny is designing a receiver.  Perhaps a TRANSmitter is next?  Go here for the post.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A new old friend

I have pretty much lost track of most of the people I went to high school with.  Really, I had few friends at the time and have resisted attending reunions.  I have often wondered if anyone I knew in my school years was trans.  I'll probably never know.

Ashley moved on, after graduating from high school.  While searching Facebook, she found a former friend....and guess what?  Read A new old friend, for the rest of the story.

Want to know more about Ashley (since I don't believe we have featured her blog)?  Go to her first post, The Obligatory Introductory Post (that no one reads)....and prove her wrong!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Word Is Transgender… Not Trans-Jenner

Now, if the title of this post doesn't peek your interest, nothing will!

In his interview (yes, we'll use the male pronoun), on ABC's 20-20, last Friday, Bruce Jenner made the statement, "I am a woman".

Our featured post really has little to do with Bruce Jenner, but a lot to do with Dawn, in that she questions Bruce's statement, "I am a woman", asking herself the question:

"Am I a woman"

It's a thoughtful kind of post I just love to feature on T-Central....well written (as it should be, since she's a professional writer), and from the heart.

Please take a few minutes to read, The Word is Transgender......Not Trans-Jenner, from Dawn's blog, Live After Dawn.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Spousal Acceptance
" get to where I am has taken VAST amounts of discussions!  I mean VAST, ENORMOUS, GARGANTUAN, amounts of discussions.  Discussions that have taken place so many times that it is the discussions alone that have often made my spouse question why she is with me."

It's an interesting blog post on communication, which is so important in any marriage and especially a marriage where one of the spouses is transgender.  In Nadine's case, there is somewhat of a twist.  Read Spousal Acceptance for the details.

Nadine ended her post with this quote, which says a lot:

 Loneliness doesn't come from having no one around you, but from being unable to communicate the things that are important to you. -Carl Jung

Saturday, April 25, 2015

So about that whole Jenner thing

I've been searching for a good post to feature on the Jenner transition story, on the American ABC network.  Julia Serano, someone I have very much respected and admired over the years and have seen speak, says it best in her post, So about that whole Jenner thing.

Julia is the author of the book, Whipping Girl, as well as the blog, Whipping Girl, and the book, Excluded.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

How Many Trans Men Are There In the World?

There are about 35 million transmen in the world. I base this figure on the very rough estimates that, of all the people in the world:
  • One in two are assigned female at birth,
  • One in ten are somewhere on the LGBT spectrum, and,
  • Of those on the spectrum, one in ten are trans.
Justin quotes a few facts, above, but this post really deals more with Facebook groups for transmen, especially Justin's All Transmen Know Each Other group for which is is currently averaging an astonishing 20 new members per day.  The post is How Many Trans Men Are There In the World?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Calogrenant Book the First: Oh! What a Knight!

Gillian has been blogging since 2008.  A big change in her Mythcongeniality blog came in July, 2012 when she announced that Mythcongeniality will host a webcomic called "Calogrenant".  It's the story of one of King Arthur's knights who...  well, rather than spoil it here, you need to go back to the beginning.

Gillian is now working on a special project, Calogrenant, the book.  It's going to tell the story of King Author's knight and will be filled with Gillian's beautiful illustrations.

Gillian needs some support in getting the book published.  She tells you, in a video, all about her labor of love .....Calogrenant Book the First: Oh! What a Knight!  Take a look as Gillian describes her project.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Problem With Arousal

I have experienced arousal when crossdressing since the onset of puberty but my impetus was not the arousal itself but rather the desire to express my femininity; the erotic overtones seemed to adhere themselves to that experience and bring the joy of it tumbling down bringing with it guilt and shame. With increasing age, the arousal appears with less frequency but the feminine feelings only intensify. This is why I have established a part time life as a woman as a response to curb any pressure I may feel to transition.

The above is an excerpt from Joanna Santos' excellent guest post on Jack Molay's terrific blog, Crossdreamers.  Joanna, one of my favorite bloggers, has her own blog, Musings from my everyday life....

In this post, Joanna muses on the question of arousal, as sent forth by Ray Blanchard and others, and adds her own opinions to this often debated theory in the trans world.  Blanchard and others have studied transgender individuals and have put their findings in print.  It has always been my feeling, however, that only someone who is trans can truly understand someone who is trans.  Joanna writes with some authority as only someone who has been there, done that, can.

Please find some time to read Joanna's guest post, The Problems With Arousal.

Thanks to Jack for publishing this guest post.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Meg Wants Answers!

We call her Meg, because she says we should, but last week I would have called her super Meg, or really upset Meg at the very least. Meg posts daily, but this one last week is worth a revisit.

If you read it and followed up on the issue she highlights, then you might know already, but her post was not simply about "the bathroom issue". It was about laws and an education system that too often ignores its responsibility to educate. 

Read Meg's "I Want Answers" here.

Monday, April 13, 2015

I had Aversion Therapy. thankfully, It did not work.

It's so hard to believe that Aversion Therapy was applied to Susan's "condition" as recently as the 1970's.  Honestly, I thought all of that ended in the 1950's.  You can read about it in this short post from Susan's blog, Transitioning Into Tomorrow.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Her Name Was Taylor

“When you’re a kid, parents always tell you sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you,” Taylor said. “To me that’s not true. Words hurt, and words turn up to threats and threats turn up to physical violence.”

This post, from Lori, just breaks my heart.   Her Name Was Taylor, from Raising My Rainbow.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Crossdressing Success Story – Danielle comes out and finds acceptance

Vanessa has done a nice job of collecting crossdressing success stories from her readers out there in Blog Land.

Vanessa's featured post features Dillon's/Daniella's story.  The blog is called Crossdresser Heaven, but Daniella's story is one that all across the Spectrum should be able to relate to.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

When surgery goes wrong (again), and when trans life goes right

My aim in this post is to inform about negative consequences and encourage positive ones and general trans visibility.

Go here for a good post from Sue.  SRS is not always problem free, but few discuss it.  She points out the good and the bad.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Finding One's True Self

Our friend Lucy Melford is a prolific writer and a good one too. I have no idea if it is so,  ~ perhaps the ladies in the statistical department here at T-Central might take that on as a project ~  but there is a good chance that her blog has been featured more often than any other. 

Her post today, Finding one's true self uses humour to draw us into some very serious considerations on the topic of transition and finding one's true nature. 

She writes: 

"... living honestly demands that you do what is needed, and it can't become a deal struck between the one who needs to change and those opposed to that change, who want to see a reward for the 'permission-to-proceed' that they granted."

If you have not visited her site before, you should look around, but do read this post first.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Interview With a Wife

Q. What’s the worse thing about living with a cross dresser?

A. Mess in the bathroom….makeup everywhere

Oh my, I absolutely loved this post from Bobbysox!  In the post, Bobbysox interviews Mrs. Sox.  Funny and well worth reading.  It's nice to see a couple actually laughing at themselves.  The post is Interview with a wife.

So just who is Bobbiesox?

"I’ve had a few years being totally in the closet with my dressing, it was difficult getting my dress on in there so I eventually got out and ended up in the bedroom for a while and also found out how liberating it was to walk on a carpet in heels."

Read more here.  There's also a picture and this girl is looking good!

In the featured post, Bobbysox mentiones that there are few blogs written by the wives of crossdressers (or transitioners).  There are a few blogs listed on T-Central and T-Central has featured some guest posts from wives of those who are trans, including one from Helen Boyd (My Husband Betty author).

Helen Boyd

The Wife

Joyful Girl