Friday, March 11, 2016

fathers and sons

Back when I was considering the possibility of transition I would picture myself wearing a dress in front of my son. Telling him would have been even harder than dealing with N, my daughter or my mother. Having to explain that the person he thought he knew had omitted an important element of information and things would be changing dramatically between us would have been gut wrenching.

Joanna does a post a day and every one of her posts is worth reading.  I don't know how she does it!  This featured post is short, but in it Joanna discusses the relationship between a transgender father and son.

Joanna also links to an excellent post by the son of a transgendered father.  It's very interesting to read his comments.  Here's a taste:

Hardly a day goes by that I am not reminded that I am the son of a transgendered person. Be it passing another transgendered person in the street or standing in a pub listening to a group of blokes give their considered opinions on transgendered people “it’s just a man in a fucking dress”. And I stand there thinking, do I say something? If I say something, what do I say? 

Go to fathers and sons to read what Joanna has to say and to find the link.

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