Monday, January 23, 2017


A man in the shopping mall who had never seen me before hissed “f–king nonce” as he passed me, and I wondered what I had done that he so hated me. A group of drunk young men on the train, and one shouts, “Oh look, it’s a tranny”, and they continue shouting until they get off. 

I had to look up the meaning of "Nonce", a slang word in the UK that has not yet made it to California, and hopefully never will.

In the United Kingdom, nonce is a slang word for a pariah within a community of prisoners, typically a sex offender, child sexual abuser or one who has turned state's evidence.  [Wikipedia]

What Clare has to say in this post just made me sick.  I must admit that my part of California is quite accepting of transgender folks, in general.  As a result, my ears have never heard the kind of comments Clare quotes in her post.   

That Clare has had to endure such horrible abuse is just sad.  I wanted to be sure to include her picture in this post so you could see for yourself just how lovely she is.

Clare's post, Transphobia II, is the current post on her site.  Transphobia I dates back a couple of years.

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