Saturday, June 30, 2018

correlation and causation

Lack of proof is the problem with AGP and the only way to settle things would be to provide a definite explanation and causation for the arousal; something which no one has been able to do thus far. Therefore it is just as convenient for we transgender people to claim that cross gender arousal is a symptom of dysphoria: a statement which is just as plausible and far more likely given our early childhood identification.

I really hate to see bloggers keep writing about the autogynephilia theory, or lack thereof.  The more we use the term, the longer it will live on.  Nevertheless, Joanna, one of my favorite trans bloggers, has a few comments on the subject that are worth featuring.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

‘She Said’ a universal, personal wive’s tale

The thing that most surprises me and never surprises me at all is how other “wife of” stories are not at all like my story and totally like my story.

Diane is the wife of Lina, her present wife and former husband.  Got that?  Good, because she has a really nice blog!  In this post, Diane writes about Anne, and her relationship with Paul, who later became Paula.  Diane links to Anne's new book, She Said She Said: Love, Loss, Living My New Normal, and also to Anne's website.

Old boys who were really girls all along

I did wonder if there were any other trans girls at my school.

I had the same thought the other day.  The answer for me is, I don't know.  Sue's answer is in her post, Old boys who were really girls all along.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Why some transgender women don’t feminize their voices through voice therapy.

In a world that’s perpetually connected via social media, cellphones, and computers, the power and significance of your voice can be tremendous. Whether you’re listening to a loved one over the phone or hearing an actor on TV, you probably hear hundreds of unique voices every day. But have you ever put much thought into your own voice?

Thanks to Kira for finding and linking to an article on the SLATE Magazine site.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Not A Life Choice – Father’s Day

These days, I still have issues with Father’s Day. I still wanted to be “Mom”, but that role is already taken. I am stuck with “Dad”. People don’t get it.

Father's Day is difficult for many male-to-female transsexuals.  Emma has a nicely written post reflecting her thoughts, intentionally delayed a week, on Father's Day.  

Friday, June 22, 2018

How FFS Surgery Helps Patients Who Just Want to Be Themselves

It’s well-known that facial deformities and flaws can have a tremendous impact on one’s self-esteem. People who have serious acne, facial injuries resulting in deformations, and even burn scars report low self-esteem and the desire to look more like a “normal” person. When a transgender patient looks in the mirror and sees a masculine face staring back at her, it’s much the same reaction.

The results facial feminization surgery are sometimes dramatic and sometimes subtle.  I've seen both.  Rhonda writes on, How FFS Surgery Helps Patients Who Just Want to Be Themselves.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Gender incongruence

So thinking you are a woman, though you have a penis, would not fit this definition. The desire to be accepted socially as a woman is not enough, even though most people only show off their genitals to sex partners. There is a separate diagnosis for childhood, but it too requires dislike of ones own sex characteristics and desire for the target gender’s.

The World Health Organization no longer classifies Gender Incongruence as a mental disorder.  Great!  We've been waiting for this for years.  It is now reclassified as a sexual health issue.  Clare has reviewed the language and has a few comments on the new classification as it relates to surgery as a necessary cure.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Agitation Migration

I love that my doctor listens to what I say and want and wants to help me get there. We both teared up a bit when I told her about the support I have and the wonderful friends and family that are there cheering me on. A really good visit with the clinic, I always feel a bit more empowered when I leave.

If you like updates, you'll love this one.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Why Me?

For a second I flashed back to my teen aged days (a large flash :) and wondered what my life would have been like if I had been able to live the way I wanted.

Oh yes, this one resonated with me, Cyrsti, and I'm sure it will with many others.

When the wind blows

Like anyone sporting a dress, there is the risk of a Monroe moment. By that, I don't mean possibly dating a famous politician or drying your undies using the subway vent. No, it's that risk that a quick gust of wind suddenly raises one's hemline to heights no self-respecting lady (part-time or otherwise) would enjoy.

Lynn has a few things to say about windy days.....

Friday, June 15, 2018

On Things Learned From Others

I have learned from my closest friends through all this, that, as it says in Proverbs, there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, or in my version, sister. 

As is the case with just about any of us, not everyone accepts the fact that you are transgender.  Halle has fully transitioned from male to female and, while most have welcomed her transition, there are quite notable.  In a wonderfully written post, read what Halle has learned from others.

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Comfortable is the best word to describe how I felt during my time I was able to present that part of me that normally remains hidden. It was also an incredible feeling of freedom.

I loved this post, from Michelle.  She got a few days to be herself in Ottawa while doing some training.  The training itself is rather interesting.  Read, Comfortable, to find out all about her precious Michelle time in Ottawa.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Last Night's Episode Of Sophie's Nightmares

He and his older brother (Mid) have agreed to 100% fund any and all transition surgeries I want.  With any doctor anywhere.  In addition to that, they will give me, tax free, a savings account containing $100,000.  He pushed the manila envelope across the table toward me.

Well.....that doesn't appear to be a nightmare, but you must read on.

A Minor Massive Fear

It was with a weird disconnected calm that I heard my wife describe the horror I had been dreading since 2010.  A student came up to her and described how all of the students were talking about that I had been discovered online.

Wow!  Nadine's title scared me, along with her first paragraph.  Nadine's online life was discovered by a student.  What happened?  Read, A Minor Massive Fear, to find out. 

Sunday, June 10, 2018

No One Does

Off the top of my head, the top of my head, I can think of close to a dozen people who I know personally who have found life so intolerable that the only way they could find peace was to end their lives.  Young and old, they were each someone’s sibling, spouse, child, grandchild or parent.  No one, it appears, is immune.

The author of this blog is Julie.  She has a son transitioning from George to Jessie.  This post, No One Does, is not really a trans related post but it does discuss suicide, which unfortunately is far to common in our world.  Nicely written, from Julie.

Friday, June 8, 2018

The End Of The Year Violin Recital Dress Code Debacle

I went to bed that night proud of my son. When he sees (what he considers to be) a wrong, he wants it righted. Immediately.

CJ was just not happy with the dress code required for a violin recital.  Most would just live with it.  Not CJ!  Mom is proud of CJ and you will be too.  Read, The End Of The Year Violin Recital Dress Code Debacle, to see how CJ dealt with the problem.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Made up before being made up

I had an appointment at the Gender Identity Clinic in Edinburgh earlier and things didn’t start well as I had got the time wrong and arrived an hour late.

Short, sweet and it ends on a happy note.  Tish is a blogger we haven't featured on T-Central in the past.  Go here to see her first post, So Many Years of Denial, which tells you a lot more about Tish.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


I was never presented with a choice and from earliest memory I have always been gender dysphoric. It is not like one day I consciously decided to try on women’s clothing on a whim, liked it and decided to go with it. No, it was instead something deeply imprinted and primordial that told me where I needed to go.

I'm sure we all agree with Joanna's statement, above, but how do you deal with it?  Read more about choice, or the lack thereof.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Debunking “Biological Sex”

So this is probably an unpopular opinion but I think the term “biological sex” is meaningless. 

Those might be fighting words for some but, agree or disagree, GQ does do a good job of defending that statement.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Goodbye Repartee

It’s with great sadness that I report that Rose’s Repartee has ceased publishing. Repartee is a British TV/CD magazine that I wrote for, first in the printed edition and most recently in its online version. Repartee has been the premiere magazine for the transgender and crossdressing community in Europe for 27 years.

In a nicely written post, Tasi (an active member of NorCal's River City Gems) writes about the history of Repartee and its founder, Rose Martine.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

System Shock

The test of endurance is far from over, and as for the peculiar idea – beloved of the gender-critical school – that people would do this sort of thing for fun, I have no words to express my incredulity.

Eleanor has had her gender confirmation surgery.  It's always difficult for me to read posts like this one, and it may be a "trigger" for some readers.  Nevertheless, she is now whole and ready to live her life as she was always meant to.