Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Aspirations of September

What to put on my fridge door for a gender identity aspiration though. I certainly don’t want a photo from an operating room or a picture of Miss Rachid or Mr Suporn and neither do I want a photo of a clothes shop or a selection of make-up. These aren’t really my goal and besides, this is too big an aspiration. It needs to be more granular. Bite-sized chunks. After all gender identity is a whole book and I need just another chapter on the door.

Oh, Hannah has such a way with words!  Although we're nearly into October, she recently wrote about her aspirations for September and it involves just what to put on the fridge door.  A very wise girl, Hannah takes very little steps into the feminine side of the gender divide, and this is yet another one of them.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Dear Abby: Should grandma tell girl, 7, that her playmate is transgender?




Now, that's an interesting question.  Abby had an answer to the question.  Was it a good answer?  Go to Diana's blog and tell her what you think via a poll she has posted.

Old crossdressers never die, they just fade away

When one dies, you can bet the farm that their obituary will not mention their trans name or mention that they were a member of a trans support group. And unless you know their birth certificate name, you will never know that they died. As far as you know, they just stopped attending support group meetings, stopped exchanging emails with their trans friends or stopped posting to their blog and they just fade away.


Oh, so true, Stana.  I have known so many trans folks over the years. many via email.   So many of them have just faded away, never to be hear from again.  It makes you wonder.....

Monday, September 28, 2020

How to They/Them

I received a copy of How to They/Them from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.


I must say that I've never been a fan of they/them pronouns but I very much respect those that prefer these pronouns and I do use them when the situation arises.  This post is a review of a book, by Stuart Getty, on the subject.  Alex is the blog author and does frequent book reviews that are always listed on T-Central.  

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Fake It till You Make It

I think much of my remaining paranoia with the public goes back decades ago when I was faking it to making it as a woman.


Somehow, this girl seems to be able to write good stuff for us every day!  I don't know how Cyrsti does it!  This post is short and sweet but, as with every post from Cyrsti, you learn a bit more about her.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Walking on eggshells

Yet now I am still torn – by now I recognise that the woman in me is more than just a bit of light stress relief or some internal kink working itself out. But there is no playbook for this…




Dee has shared her thoughts with us and I bet there are many (myself included) who can relate to this post.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Hot and cold

I’m conscious of the old advice that no good story starts off talking about the weather. But…  We had a brief hot spell due to air from the tropics visiting our western European climes, but we’re now back to jeans and boots weather. On that note of the turning off the weather, so too does the Trans situation seem to be warming back up. 


We  L*O*V*E  Lynn's posts!  This one is just an update, but it looks like good news for the Cham's.

Thanks, as always, to Lynn for linking to T-Central on her blog. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sex Talk With A Transgender

So what is Conversation?





The answer to the question, above, is addressed, as are others.  TransSingle is a transgender dating blog site that is just full of information on the subject.  Some of the posts may be considered "R-Rated" but this one can be read by anyone.  It's so good to see this group posting regularly.   I'm sure there are many up will benefit from it.


Gender Dysphoria vs. Body Dysphora

.......recently I had an added incentive for wanting to write it. I had a telephone intake on 9/1/20 for bottom surgery. Initially the person conducting the intake, who is a transwoman herself, said having the surgery is not about if your trans enough. I was put a bit at ease, since, while things have moved on since earlier surgery approval processes, I was worried about having to present the standard story of I knew like for ever.

This may be an "opinion" piece, from Steph, but I enjoyed reading her justification on when and when not to use these terms.  It's easy reading and she makes a lot of sense.  I'm sure she would like to hear your opinion.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Online event: LGBTI+ Rural life during COVID-19

We want to ensure that LGBTI people living rurally are heard when it comes to social, economic and community recovery. 





Thanks to Tish, for posting this.

Monday, September 14, 2020


There are so many "new" girls who never got to hear you laugh, yet know of you from the stories that I and others who were blessed to know you tell.  I sent a message to someone who never got the chance to meet you.  I said "She [you] was a phenomenon.  She was so strong in so many ways, yet so fragile.  That was, in a way, her glory, and it was her end." 





So sad and so much emotion in this post, from Sophie.  I shed a few tears and you may also.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

As a Public Service

This post comes as the result of an online chat. Coline and I were talking about hormone therapy. She has noticed something interesting and potentially valuable that we need to share so I went along with her idea to write a post here because it is clear she is right. This is information that our sisters in the community could benefit from. I did mention that few and maybe none of the sisters stop by here now, but, well, how can it hurt to post this? So, here we go!



Such a great post from our friend, Halle!  She comments on the effects of HRT and even includes a little money saving hint from Coline.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

A look back: September

Talking of going back, another month rolls by and it’s time to take a flick through the posts of September’s gone. Compared to the heat of summer, this first step into Autumn is when I seem to come into my own.


As a long-time blogger, Lynn has the opportunity to look back and, of course, to share those "looks back" with us.  This look back, takes us from 2019 to 2014.  Looking good, Lynn!

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Our History - Hermann Freiherr von Teschenberg

6 July 1866 – 6 November 1911 was an Austrian barrister, translator, and an LGBT rights activist.




Yes, WE were out there prior to this century!  Here's a fascinating post, from Rhonda, on one of us from the past.