Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 ...and STILL growing!

I want to thank all of you who seem to be using T-Central as a jump point to newer trans and glb-related news and personal blogs. (Google Analytics says so!) I am personally using it more than the Google Reader, my current RSS feed reader, unless I read blogs via my mobile phone. We're still debating whether to break blogs down by subjects, but the main issue is where to put each one considering most topics overlap.

For now we'll keep two lists in addition to the new "What We Just Started Reading" list.

I'm glad we can help increase readership with personal bloggers as well as contribute to this interweaving of online friendships. Keep on blogging, and keep on reading and commenting!

Happy New Year!


  1. Hey Lori,
    here I am doing just that - seeing what other trans folk are up to in the wide world of blogging. You do seem to be well positioned as a jump of point On TBLG blogs. I hope we can all become a well organized group world wide through all of our blogs.
    Have a great New Year.

  2. Thanks, Eva! Honestly, I've only recently seen you come onto "the scene," but then again, it's a big scene LOL! Keep up what you're doing. I'm enjoying watching you promote the good message, while staying true to the Good Word! ;)

  3. Nice to see all the trans blogs and sites, and I never complain but the tag missing is Intersex sweetie. I know I now, I hear it all the time that I am one of the girls, but I am slightly different not that I would wish this on my worse enemy.
    Thanks again Lori

  4. Missing tag? Intersex? Wait a minute, it's in this post! see the tag at the bottom of the post? Intersex was included, thankfully. I'll do my best to be inclusive for sure. Got any fresh links, esp of intersex bloggers?
