Sunday, July 3, 2016

beta male

If you are considering transition, I would not go as far as to say Don’t- but ask yourself, “Am I a beta male? Can I enjoy that, and not transition?”

A Beta Male?  I had never heard the expression.  Leave it to Clare to discuss the subject in detail in an interesting post.


  1. I often used beta male and sometimes for emphasis omega male...

    Being forced into a male role with non of the male attributes to drive you is a soul destroying life. Only the view from the otherside will show you just how corrosive is the life of the "beta" male.

  2. >Being forced into a male role with non of the male attributes to drive you is a soul destroying life.

    Oh so true.....

  3. I find these these comments - in fact the entire premise laughable. Not every man can be the "too dog". Most men are not and seem to mange just fine.
