Thursday, August 25, 2016

the non-transitioning trans person

In some ways I still continue to see gender dysphoria as an illness. It can act as a trickster and have you think that you can only find fulfillment by undergoing a complete transformation when I don’t believe that this is necessarily true; at least not for everyone.
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Joanna and I pretty much see eye-to-eye.  I just wish I could meet her in person.  Agree or not, this is a post I could have written.  If you think you were born to be a woman, but have very good reasons not to transition, at least not yet, read the non-transitioning trans person.


  1. The "non transitioning trans person" group constitutes almost all trans people!

    For most of our lives those of us who do finally take that step have been in the non transitioning group. Our lives are totally dominated by thoughts of what could have been, what could be and all the imaginary hurdles stopping us from making that change. society generally and fanatical sub groups of society more so do their best to shut us away to maintain there idealised view of the world.

    We all make our choices. I regret that my early attempts at getting help were thwarted by the medical "profession" who assured me that it would never happen in my lifetime. that same organisation now is pro active in supporting the whole alphabet spectrum of non gender binary and sexually orientated.

    Too late in life those endless circular thought patterns which filled my head have vanished, no more sleepless nights of inner turmoil just peace. I made the leap of faith and proved all my fears to be unfounded.

    The more of us who can make that leap of faith and show the world that we exist and are not the monsters they think we are the better it will be for the uncountable millions out there we know exist in a state of unhappiness.

  2. I look forward to meeting you in person Calie as it would be a great pleasure!
