Friday, September 2, 2016

pink fog?

Lately I have been dealing with the issue others have termed the 'pink fog'.  Meaning that after being able to feel free and wonderful and spend time as Jaclyn, I am really struggling with the transition back to my 'normal' life again.

If you relate to the pink fog, and I'm sure many do, consider leaving a comment on the post.  I know Jaclyn would love to hear from you.


  1. Pink fog? More like drowning in treacle... There has never been a better time to get help, stop being bullied into living a false life to please uncaring others and breathe free. Only one person can make the move to break the chains which tie you to a miserable existence where nobody is giving a helping hand, ( impression gained from dipping into your blog stream ). I cannot believe that I endured so many decades of internal misery when such peace was waiting here on the other side. Make a plan and stick to it, good luck.

  2. I wonder if you understand what you are implying by this statement? "...after being able to feel free and wonderful and spend time as Jaclyn, I am really struggling with the transition back to my 'normal' life again."

    Are you saying that your time as Jac is not normal?
