Sunday, July 23, 2017

A brief explanation...

When I decided to transition earlier this year, it was because I realized I had finally come to terms with who I really was, at long last. A major factor in helping me reach that decision was reading other trans-related blogs. I was moved by the honesty and courage expressed by the authors. If they could do it, I thought, then so could I.

This Retro Week post, from Cassidy, dates back to 2011.  In it, she goes through her thought processes in deciding to transition.  It's A brief explanation...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for highlighting this post, Calie! Thanks to Emma Sweet's sharp eye, I changed the links in this post to go to the correct posts. (They were still pointing to Kelly's Quest, the old blog.) Thank you again, Emma!!! :D And thank *you* again, Miss C!!!

