Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Why Factor

Steph asked me what do I get out of coming to the Chameleons and dressing as Lynn? That's quite a question, and one I'm not sure I fully answered back then.

I'm sure Lynn is wondering why it took me so long to feature this post.  Perhaps it's the misspelled words?  (Behaviour....favourite....I mean Gmail does recognize that these words are clearly misspelled :-) .

The Why Factor is just that.....why does Lynn like to dress up as a woman.  I'm sure we all have our own answers to that question, but Lynn does a nice job of addressing it.


  1. Yeah, they are misspelled. Grammerly kept underlining them with the wrong spelling. How messed up is that? ;-)

  2. Unfortunately, Google was not schooled in the Queen's English....
