Thursday, October 25, 2018

Supergirl’s new transgender heroine makes a must hear speech

......Nia Nal tries to convince her editor, James Olsen, to write an editorial condemning the increasing racist violence, and she does so by explaining the similarities between xenophobia and transphobia.

I remember buying the Supergirl comic books when I was a kid.  I've always loved the character and looked up to her.  Supergirl has been a series on the American CW network for several years now and I'm still a fan.  This year, they introduced Nicole Maines as a transgender character who outed herself in the last episode.  She's so pretty and so cute and she is trans in real-life.  She transitioned at a young age and one would never know she was born a male.  So, why has she outed herself to the world and taken on this character?  Nicole is on a mission for trans-rights and, for that, I say she rocks!

Jack has included a clip of the scene in his post.

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