Sunday, March 31, 2019

Peeking around the Closet Door

It's not an easy thing to be transgender or gender-fluid these days, there is an active and virulent anti-transgender movement in full swing. Much of it is tied to the ultra-religious right wing of the United States, but it's not just them. Even those in more moderate places on the political spectrum, as well as those on the far left, are generally okay with allowing, and even abetting, trans oppression.

A Transgender Day of Visibility Post.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Destroy Your Enemies, Not Your Allies

Why do we come out to certain people in our lives?  Obviously we need to come out to our partners.  Most of us WANT to come out to our partners.  Most of us know it’s not fair to withhold secrets from our our partners but struggle with how to tell them.  But I also think that many of us want to tell our partners because we want to share this side of us with them.  This is a deeply personal side of us and we want to be open and honest with them.

Just last week, after many years of encouraging my trans friends to be straight with their partners, I told a friend at lunch that she should continue to keep it a secret.  The reason is not the topic of this post.....perhaps on my own blog.  Hannah, however, strongly believes that we should be straight with our partners and she has some good reasons to do so.  Your partner should be your ally and, as Hannah says, Destroy Your Enemies, Not Your Allies.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

What The Heck Is A Conservative Christian TG Gal?

Many christians have false or outdated notions about transgenderism, but I am confident things will improve with time, patience, and love.  In my time left on this earth my church may not allow me to dress as a woman for services, but if they ever know about me they may one day respond with Biblical love instead of shunning me (which I don't believe is a Biblical response).

This is an interesting post, from Kelli who, as far as I can tell, has never been featured on T-Central even though she's been blogging for 9 years now.  I'm glad to see a post from this point of view and I hope Kelli has the strength to make a difference in her Baptist congregation. 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Permission to Shiver – A Five Year Anniversary Special

Five years. Five years since I started writing about my thinking and looking back at my first I wouldn’t have said back then, that right now I’d be sitting amongst other runners while wearing the long running tights that I’d always wished I could wear and a high ponytail without feeling anxious and fraught with butterflies and too afraid to move. It makes me wonder where I’ll be in the next five years. I sat there, which today happened to be with the other women, and listened to the conversation.

I'm a tad bit late in featuring this post (sorry Hannah, just been so busy as of late), but don't think it's not worth reading.  It is!  It's Hannah's thoughts, after 5 years of writing, and it's beautifully written.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

4 things your LGBT child needs you to know. And do.

If your child comes out to you as LGB or tells you they are not the gender they were assigned at birth, chances are you may worry. You may doubt your ability to be a good parent to an LGBT child.

Some good advice, from Julie Tarney, the author of My Son Wears Heels.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Coming out

I can take a step back now and examine my life today. I consider myself quite lucky in that I have had very few complications compared to some people. My family has accepted me and most of my work colleagues are fine with me. I have more lovely friends now than I have ever had in my life.

Deedee is full-time now and a new blogger.  I'm guessing she's a UK girl.  As I write this, she's got three posts up.  Coming out is her first, which is an overview of just how things are going in her life.  In short, not bad, but do visit her blog and take a look.  She writes well and her posts are short!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Getting one's life back

So 5 months down the line, what of it? All there, seems to not be broken.

It's good to hear from GRS.  And, just what is our girl doing in this picture, all glammed up?  Well, she's getting her life back.

Monday, March 18, 2019


Some of you might crossdress for a variety of reasons and can perhaps put away the clothing and the feminine expression for a month and think nothing of it; I cannot. Bordering on transsexualism has been difficult and I have been this way since I can remember. 

Gender Dysphoria is the topic of this post, from Joanna.  It also includes a nice comment from Halle.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Making hay while the sun shines

So it was that the red skirt from Christmas, last week's vest top, and a very old mint green wrap cardigan that somehow came together to form my outfit last night. I felt... I felt like I was as I was supposed to be when I'm in Lynn mode. I felt really happy with how I looked.

Lynn tried a bit of a new look, which involves hairless legs, and she looks great.  New, I suppose, because if you look back through her blog, you will often see her in black or opaque tights.  Go to, Making hay while the sun shines, and take a look.  Don't forget to leave Lynn a comment!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Feminine Differential - Unmentionables in ER

Unmentionables are items too shocking or embarrassing to be mentioned by name. Let's go there and use the word.  "Panties!"

Are you a male who wears women's undies?  Seriously?  I could you?   :)

Rhonda wants your comments and then will add a few of her own.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


I brought up the age old argument between sexuality and everyday life as a trans woman at last night's transgender -cross dresser support group meeting. I only said in passing (no pun intended), one of the bigger things I learned quickly when I came out was how my sexuality didn't really change.

Sexuality is often misunderstood when it comes to someone who has changed genders.  Crysti has a few thoughts that she shared at a recent trans support group meeting.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Under the Dysphoric Moon

This has all come up for me because a friend of mine is getting her GRS surgery soon. I am extremely happy for her, and yes, I am a bit jealous but only in a vague way.

Elizabeth has a few comments about being born with the wrong genitals.  I can relate to this one and share her feelings.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Trans women in sport

Does anyone transition in order to have an unfair advantage in sport? No. Trans women transition because we are women, because the difference between presenting male and expressing female is the difference between living life in monochrome and in colour. This does not stop the anti-trans movement from complaining about us. The complaints show transphobia at work.

Here's another good one, from Clare.  I've seen little written on this subject in the world of trans blogging..

Monday, March 4, 2019


There used to be a narrative in the transsexual community that if you were really a woman it was either transition or die and indeed that was the case for many but not all.

Indeed!  Read where Joanna's ship has sailed to.

My Theory of Operation

Listening to the transsexuals tell their life stories always causes me to consider my own identity. A recent outreach was no different. Since then, I have done a lot of thinking about my identity and I believe I have had an epiphany.

And just what is that epiphany, Stana?   Read, My Theory of Operation, posted nearly 11 years ago, but featured again today, on Stana's great blog, Femulate.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sharing the Secret

We have always known who we are.  If we keep who we are a secret, then that is on us.  And it’s perfectly understandable why we may not reveal everything about us to everyone in our lives.  Not everyone needs to know.  There are some people in my life that I would like to know about me.  There are others that I don’t care one way or the other, and there are those who I thank God every day that do not know.

Such an excellent post, from Hannah.  There is one key person you must share your secret with.  This one is a MUST READ

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Eighth Anniversary.

My own identification as "male" is now mostly political too: pushing at the artificial boundaries of the binary category so I can fit into it, even though I'm no longer really sure I belong there.

It's Jonathan's 8th anniversary as the author of the male femme blog. In this post, they talk about the "border zone" and the blurring between genders.

Congratulations to Jonathan for 8 years of blogging!