A sitcom might say the word ‘transgender’, but translated that category
to deception, freakishness, and revulsion. A newspaper feature would
describe a person as ‘transsexual’ but make it clear that they would
forever be the sex/gender they were assigned at birth, and all the rest
was delusion and mutilation.
So it was not just that a woman assigned male at birth should be
prevented from living her life as she saw fit, but that ‘he’ should be
made culturally legible again, and categorised as a sinner.
When I finally found those key words for myself, the histories they
unlocked did not present these past lives as they were lived, but
instead upheld and promoted the authors’ gendered beliefs. All people
assigned female at birth who lived as men – no matter how much they
insisted they were men – were described as lesbians.
CN Lester has written a brilliant essay: A Future Without a Past - trans history, erasure, and possibilities. A few excerpts, above, should wet your appetite for more.
Go to A Gentleman and a Scholar for the link.
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