Saturday, November 30, 2019

Ex Wives

Over the years, I have two ex wives (one is deceased) one ex fiance, long gone since before I joined the Army and a partner (Liz) who I have been around for over eight years now.

In a short post, from Cyrsti, she writes on a subject I seldom see discussed in T-Blogs.....Ex-Wives.

Friday, November 29, 2019


It doesn’t matter how far down the gender thing journey you are there are always those moments when you just wonder what next and loosing our way a little.

In another wonderfully written post, that so many can relate to, Hannah writes about losing her way in the gender journey.   She ends up, however, discussing some things she wants to do and the places she wants to visit when she has reached the end of the journey.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Made an Appointment

Yes Stephie did it! She made her first appointment for an.......

Stephie did it!  Go here to find out what she did.

We Are Being Erased.

We are being systematically erased from the government websites… one page at a time.

Diana is referring to the USA government websites.  I often wonder if things would be different if an elected official or any transphobic person had a son or daughter who came out as trans.  More, here, from Diana.  Thanks to Caroline for pointing out this post.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Quick Shout out to everyone

I just want to put a quick thank you out there to everyone who reads my corner of the internet.

Jessie is just giving a shout-out to everyone.  T-Central can echo that.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Quite the experience

You don't have to be trans to be an ally. You don't have to fully understand what it might be to be somewhere on the trans spectrum. You don't need to know anyone who is trans. You don't have to have questioned your gender. You just need to care and to stand up when you hear bigotry. Thoughts lead to words, words lead to actions, and actions lead to consequences.

That's such a powerful paragraph, above, from Lynn.  In this post, Quite the experience, Lynn reflects on Transgender Day of Remembrance.

Friday, November 22, 2019

I attended Transgender Day of Remembrance ceremonies yesterday at the senior center I go to. Celebrated were the lives of 'transcestors' such as Marsha P. Johnson, Storme DeLaverie, Leslie Feinberg,  Christine Jorgensen, and Sylvia Rivera.

It's nice to see some of the pioneers celebrated as well as honoring the lost lives of 22 of our sisters.  This is a short post from one of our longest bloggers.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Gender euphoria through singing

Being able to have such a huge range in my singing voice (and do it well) is such a euphoric thing for me. It is probably one of the biggest signs that I’m nonbinary because I love hitting the low, rumbly notes and I love singing way up high above even the tenor range.

It's so nice to see one of our bloggers so happy and having fun.  Go here for the short post.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Two Years!!

It’s now been two years Kandi’s Land has been up and running. I frankly could never have dreamed I could keep going for this long. Without the feedback I get, I’d have shut the whole thing down, but apparently this place means something to a few wonderful people out there. So on we go!

Here's a shout-out to Kandi for 2 years of almost daily blogging!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Gender confirmation surgery yield long-term mental health benefits for transgender people

The science is solid: For the great majority of trans people who undergo gender confirmation surgery, the operation leads to a better quality of life.

Go here for the post and a link.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Medical stuff

I had blood work done for my HRT meds for the first time in a couple of years.  No money- no medicine. I've been on hormones since December 10, 2012. Not that I remember the date or anything.  For the past several years, when available, I've been on estrogen injections.

Long time blogger, Sophie, shares the results of her recent hormone levels, and it's not all good.  She's sharing this to help others, and that's what I love about Sophie.  It's all under control now, but for any of you who haven't seen a doctor lately or are self-medicating, this post is for you.  Thanks, Sophie, for sharing.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Homophobic transition

Does anyone transition male to female because of homophobia? Yes.

Clare has assembled some interesting thoughts on the subject of Homophobic Transition.  You'll have to read the post to see why her answer to the question, above, is yes.  

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

I Am a Rock

Her rejection of me was absolutely devastating. Much later I would come to realize, that both women were rejecting me, because I could never even hope to be the man they they wanted me to be. I wanted to be their lesbian lover, but how does someone in male form, make love to a woman as a lesbian? How can you even tell them that? Its impossible.

I've been thinking of Melissa as of late.     She was such a beloved blogger with so many friends in the blog world.  Our dearest Melissa passed away in September, 2011.  Her posts were fun and sometimes emotional.  I AM a Rock is one of her very emotional posts.  Melissa may be gone, but with posts like this one, she will continue to help many who are trying to find themselves.

Oh and do go to Melissa's final post and read the many tribute comments at the end.

Monday, November 11, 2019

That’s what friends are for

In my previous, male, life, it was expected I would bear my burden in silence – I’d just “soldier on”. Asking for help was seen as a sign of weakness. Today, being perceived as a woman, I’m not bound by that convention. I can ask for help and support. And I have done just that.

Cat opens the door to her past life in the early 60's.  It was a life of physical and verbal abuse.  Now, she feels comfortable talking and writing about it.

Must see pro-transgender video

You really have to watch it, as it portrays trans and other LGBTQA people as real people, loved and respected by family and friends. I love it!

It's a one and a half minute commercial, from Sprite and Coca Cola, but much worth watching   Thanks to Jack Molay for posting.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

It's All in a Name

Connie brought up an interesting point about responding, or not, to one's old "dead name."

Now here's a topic I have not seen much in blogs.  When you transition, you almost always have a name change, unless you had a name that goes both ways (like Chris).  So how do you respond when you hear your "dead" name called?  Cyrsti has some interesting comments on that subject and name selection.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tucking for comfort and a feminine silhouette

Don’t judge. But she’s not trying, she does not care, she can’t be a Real Transsexual! Surely she would want to look as cis as possible? 

There's a lot of common sense in this post, from Clare.

Friday, November 1, 2019

We Are Not Immune

There is no reason why trans people can’t be transphobic… we can be both internalized and external transphobic. Some of the comments that I receive on my blog shows that, though I see it more as “Lateral Hostility.” 

Sad, isn't it?  Read more here from long-time blogger, Diana.  You might want to note the last line of her post.