Sunday, January 31, 2021

Musings: A New Year, and a New Start

Something is wrong, I remember thinking. Profoundly wrong.

You can't keep feeling like this.

You can't keep going like this.

You have to do something.


And you have to do it now.
Those words, above, have Cass reflecting on the dark times in her life.  
In those rare instances when I see a post from Cass, I always gravitate to it.  Why?  Well, Cass is one of the few bloggers I've actually met.  Such a lovey girl, with an awesome personality, who shares my own musical tastes.  Cass always includes music links with her blog posts, which I love to listen to while reading.  In this post, she includes several links, including a song by one of my favorite artists, Mary Chapin Carpenter.

In her latest post, Cass goes back to some of the darkest times in her life.  I know those feelings and I do believe many can relate.  Overall, while things are not perfect, life is OK and this post will give you an update.


Inquiring Minds Want to Know

If you could crossdress 24/7/52, would you? And how would that change you?




A reader of Kandi's blog asked the question.  Go here for Kandi's reply.


Saturday, January 30, 2021

A Name Change Update +

I had been logging into my Social Security account online to check to see if my name was change yet. Two days ago, Bingo!, there it was as plain as the nose on my face bringing a big smile to my face to see my name in “lights.”


Stephie hasn't posted in a while.  This one is an update on her name change (yay!) and some other news.

Some ‘Personal’ Developments

So I have some ‘personal’ news I would like to share… I am thinking of dropping the _______




So, just what is Daniella thinking about dropping?  You will have to read the post to find out!  I must say that I totally relate to this one and have been considering writing a similar post on my own, much ignored, personal blog.

Friday, January 29, 2021

This is turning into a full time job

It’s fair to say that I, like so many others, found the isolation extremely hard to cope with. There was the occasional opportunity to meet up with friends from the group, and I did get out a couple of times each week just to have a coffee with someone close to the group, but at the end of the year my friendship with that person deteriorated to the point of no contact.

Although Tish mentions the isolation many have felt since the beginning of the Covid19 pandemic, her post is really about her work with the local trans group.  As I have mentioned many times in the past, I am a firm believer in the benefits of belonging to a local transgender group.  I have belonged to my local group for years and benefited so much from the friendships and support.  I gave back for many years, co-running a sub-group.  Tish says it's turning into a full time job, but I know she loves it.  Read her post to see where her latest focus is with her group.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Trans in 1970

It wasn’t easy. First, you had to hear that other people were like this too. In her teens April Ashley had attempted suicide and been admitted to mental hospital, where she said she wanted to be a woman.



Clare relates an interesting story on what it was like to be trans in 1970.  We must always remember those who paved the path for us.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Transgender Infantry

Staff Sgt. Patricia King did as many have done by trying to lose themselves in the masculinity of  the infantry. The difference, in this case, is 16-year veteran SSG King is still on active duty making her the very first out transgender infantry sergeant.

Great story!  Thanks to Cyrsti for sharing.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Since 2006

The run up to going was quite nerve wracking if I remember correctly.




Now just what could have been nerve wracking for our Lynn Jones?  You'll just have to read the post for the details (but the title of this post may give you a hint).

Friday, January 22, 2021

Clothes, expression and thoughts

I don’t spend time gazing at myself in the mirror but just go about my day as I would if I was expressing male. I’m me, just happen to be a woman.

 Such a nice and positive outlook on life, from Michelle.

been awhile

Been awhile since I've written and since that time I have dealt with depression, anxiety, happiness and depression again. 






This girl just needs a virtual hug and the more, the better for her.  It can be done easily by leaving her a comment on this post.  Go back and read some of her previous posts while you're visiting her blog. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

A Dream Deferred

I have a very dear friend who is an artist. They work in pencil, water colours, pen and ink, and among other things also engrave on glass.



This post, from Tish, comes with a message that is much deeper than the subject matter on a beautiful video she has included with the post.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

new map of Genderia

Three years ago Yvonne Aburrow mentioned their survey of the continent of Genderia, demonstrating that it is rather more of a complex landscape than often represented by a binary, a line or spectrum. And I did a hasty map to accompany that work. But we thought it was time to update and improve it, so here's the new version.


Oh, you've got to see this really cool map of the continent of Genderia!  The surveying was done by Yvonne Aburrow and the map was done by Dru Marland.  Nice job!


Thanks, Dru, for including a link to T-Central on your blog.   💓

Friday, January 15, 2021

What It Was/What It Is

What It Was:  Disgust.  Guilt.  Self-hate.  A compulsion.  Anxiety.  Tension headaches when an opportunity arose and I attempted to ignore the urge. Almost 50 years of internal struggle.  Stupidity.  Horrendous “outfits”.  Hair, all over.  A crappy mustache.  The almost complete avoidance of photographs.  Certainly never smiling in pictures.  Never, not one single time (and there were many) enjoying “it”.  Denial.



Now, you know What it Was.  Read the post to find out What it Is.  This is a wonderful, from the heart, post, from Kandi.  If you haven't already read it, you should.  There are several great comments and I'm sure Kandi will welcome more.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Random thoughts.

It reminded me of countless fellow bloggers and almost without exception their online work has vanished. There used to be much grumbling as each blogger did their time, got as far as they felt they could or needed to, and went “stealth”. This was considered a dubious and bad thing, why would they abandon us like that?


What a wonderful post, from one of the longest running bloggers listed on T-Central.  I absolutely connect with what Sweet Caroline has to say in this post.  Love you, girl!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

THE Surgery

Suffice it to say this is THE surgery. Yup, that one. THE one, lol.




Oh, I love this girl's sense of humor!  A lot has been going on in Kelly's life and she shares much of it with us in this post.

You Must Read This Book

Paria's dedication at the front of the book tells you much about her and the book:

For Ava, who always teaches me much more than I can ever hope to teach her, and every other child brave enough to live their truth.

And for every parent struggling with making the best decisions for their child with the knowledge that they have.
The dedication, above, says a lot about the author and the content.  Thank you, Halle, for letting us know about this book, written by the parent of a child transitioning from male to female.
Thank you, Halle, for including a link to T-Central on your blog! 


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Freedom to be me

I've talked about my plans for fully coming out a few times already and now it is done! I am no longer hiding myself away, concealing the real me from those in my life and that is liberating in so many ways.

She can finally be herself!  Very nice post, from Jo.  

I'll also note that this is one of the nicest Blogger templates I've seen.

Thanks, Jo, for including a link to T-Central on your blog!

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

She Got That Right.

Kourtney Kardashian implicitly debunks the transphobic "autogynephilia" theory in a new article on her Poosh site. She explains why women may get aroused by their own bodies and sensuality, a kind of sexuality that is used to invalidate the identity of transgender women.
Cross Dreamers
January 1, 2021


Diana's comments on a Crossdreamers post involving Kourt.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Not a Life Choice – Comparisons

We really need to look into ourselves and become who we were meant to be. One of the things I used to tell them was to venture into Walmart or Target and take note of all the varieties of women. Big women, short women, women kind of plump. Some dressed to the nines and some in sweats. Why are cisgender women allowed so much variety but transgender women have such a narrower space to conform to.


It's a short post, from Emma, but says a lot.