Monday, February 27, 2023

Blanchard debunked: Surveys show that all kinds of people experience "autogynephilia

Anyone who follows the intense anti-trans propaganda of the day, will have made note of the way the "autogynephilia" theory is used to invalidate transgender women and other gender variant people. "Gender critical" TERFs love the theory, as it allows them to present trans women as perverted predators. 

I do believe that most trans folks, especially those under 40 years of age, have never heard of Ray Blanchard.  In my earlier years, when I did lots of reading to try to figure myself out, I came across his writings and was appalled by much that he wrote.  In this post, which is well worth reading, most of his theories are thrown down the proverbial drain and, for that, I say amen.  

A nice assortment of links is included at the end of the post.


  1. Hello, I am Violetta, a part-time-lady from Austria. I found that blog by chance. Very interesting and many blogs and links.
    I wish you all the best

  2. I used to be very active within this community. I left when it became crystal clear that few were listening. Frankly no one is under any obligation to take any notice save a personal duty to at least attempt to understand the ideas put forward. You can the dismiss or accept the concepts posited. I watch the news and documentaries concerning the bubble you all dwell within interestingly, you all appear unwilling to leave or step outside and observe yourselves. I warned that to continue along the path you were following the pushback from the rest of society would likely burst your bubble and remove any progress made. I see that pushback starting. My view on Ray Blanchard can be found should you or anyone care to look it up. He’s about 25% wrong but the 75% hits the nail on the head. The tragedy is that the fall out caused by the pushback will inevitably cause extreme trauma to vulnerable innocents. Don’t say you all were not warned. The public in general have woken up. Sad so very sad.

  3. Thanks for featuring this Calie as it is very relevant especially today to be armed with education at the clinical level :)
