“All trans women are biological males who identify as women. All trans men are biological women who identify as men,”).
Grab a cup and enjoy this post, from Daniella. She tells it like it is.
Grab a cup and enjoy this post, from Daniella. She tells it like it is.
A really nice post, from JQ. Enjoy!
On November 6th, as it became clear that my community was about to face increasingly extreme levels of hate and violence in the years to come, I was unable to stop crying. My heart was on the floor and I could not see a future in front of me. You know who picked me up? A friend, on the far side of the world, who called me near to midnight her time. She called me to pull me from the brink of despair. I am so grateful for that.
You know who didn't call me? My family.
Joanne, like so many of us, is worried about the future. Read more here.
Read more and keep reading here.
Go here for the full post, from Joanna.
This is an entertaining post, from Lynn. She describes her first (I think....hard to believe it was her FIRST) participation in Nottingham Pride.
You'll have to go here to see the pictures.
Did you see this post from Stana the other day? If not, and assuming you're part-time, do read it. I can relate to many parts of this post, and I'm sure many of you can also.
This is Michelle's first attempt at poetry, and I think what she wrote is something many can relate to.
Anna has been a long-time blogger on T-Central. I just noticed this "Meet Anna" post on her blog. Take a look and you'll see that she's one talented girl!
Great post, from Clare, which includes some dialog on gender affirming treatment for children.
Nice post from Halle. Hopefully those who need to read this will.