Nicky wrote a nice blog today. Too bad I managed to derail it right away by bringing up the mechanics of blog-writing.
But I think there's some value in discussing how we write blogs, why we write them that way, and what it means to our audiences.
Do you write with yourself in mind first, and assume your love and passion for whatever your topic is will come through and attract the right people, like moths to a flame?
Or do you consider your audience first and bend your prose to the limitations that imposes, like a sonnet must be bent to a certain structure?
Or do you not care about an audience at all, writing solely for yourself?
Personally, I see my blog as a relationship between myself and the people who read it. I want to entertain, inform, provoke, or inspire thought. Mostly, though, I want them to read what I have to say, and to that end, I try to make it as easy as possible for them.
Pretty much everyone here has a blog...that was the point of T-Central, to gather us all into one place. And every single one of us is an audience member for someone else, which means you have an opinion. So let's talk!
And in the meantime, check out
Nicky's blog, because there was a lot more to get out of that one paragraph
than what I led with in the comments section.
(Oh, and bonus points to the first person to tell us what the title of this blog means)