Here's another in the ongoing series, "How could we have missed that one?" Missed as in not featured, that is. Well, no time like the present.
I was a bit late in starting to read Gin's blog Virginia's Tonic, but every time I popped in, I was really impressed with her insights. Most transition blogs seem to hit common points, because we go through a lot of the same things. But each person brings her (or his) own perspective to the common point, and some make you take notice. That's Ginny.
Her recent post How am I different? 1 year later, in which she describes changes that have taken place in the year since she started hormone therapy, is a case in point. Or check out Scylla and Charibdis for more insights. I love me some Greek mythology!
Take a look around. There's plenty more to find.
Political Cartoons 1-12-2025
Washington Post editorial cartoonist resigns over banned cartoon. What’s
the fallout?
The resignation of Pulitzer-Prize-winning veteran Washingto...
5 hours ago
Thank you so much for the kind praise and the feature.