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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Ok, so now what? …a recurring question

If my ex-wife hadn’t stripped me of my self-worth, I might have accepted where I was headed and who I really was, but I didn’t. I purged every remnant of Brina and fell in love with a wonderful woman for seven years to prove something. It was beautiful and sad. I never told her and it ate me up. I also stayed true and didn’t dress. I didn’t need to because we had good relations… until we didn’t, and I still didn’t dress.

From the Crossdresser Heaven site:

Brina is from Iowa, and she is steadily learning how to merge her two halves into one whole. Still closeted after 40 years, she hopes to one-day walk freely and confidently in the open. She spends most of her time working as a self-published novelist under both personas.

So now what, is the question Brina is asking herself.  Although the question remains unanswered, she has made some progress towards finding an answer.  Great post from Brina.

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