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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Importance of Love

The desire to build and maintain true and lasting relationships is a lifelong human drive.

In the drive to become whole, the transsexual too often sacrifices relationships with family and those who they thought were friends. 

Calie explores this sensitive topic within the context of the MTF post-op experience in Transsexual Sexuality and Finding a Soul Mate 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Images of the Possible

Lucy Melford's blog is as straightforward as it's name ~ Lucy Melford

In five years of "clean and wholesomeblogging about being herself, at a rate of over 200 posts per year, she has chronicled daily life, travel and thoughts. Most have been thoroughly and delightfully illustrated with magazine quality photography. Her Flickr site is well worth a visit on its own.  

In her 999th post, titled "The girls that made my old world wobble", she takes us back before her eureka moment.

In photos from that time, she imagined the Impossible. Of course, that impossible world is now hers.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Our Different Journey

I wanted to alert everyone to another wonderful site.

Our Different Journey is a collection of posts written by Bloggers, and others, about their own personal journey in life.  These are life stories from those in our community just sharing their thoughts on being transgender.

Thanks to Lynn Jones and Caroline for bringing this site to our attention.

The People - Personal Thoughts

Cobweb Corner - Older Blogs, Not Recently Updated