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Monday, December 14, 2020

Monika: But what I am extremely envious of was your participation in the lecture by Christine Jorgensen, one of our most prominent sisters that promoted our cause so much. Was it an unforgettable experience? How was Christine like?




I probably don't feature enough, two very popular blogs in our community.  Stana's Femulate blog is one I have been following from nearly day-one.  The blog is so popular and refers so many readers to T-Central that I'll sometimes bypass featuring a great post from Stana because I have felt that everyone has already read it. 

Monika's blog, The Heroines of My Life, is just full of quality interviews with transwomen and I do try to feature her posts but, as I said, not enough.

This time, however, it's pretty hard not to feature both, since Monika has interviewed Stana.  It's a really good interview.  One of the questions is posted above.  I'm sending you to Femulate for the link.  

Thank you Stana and Monika, for including links to T-Central on your blogs.  T-C would not be where it is today without you two and all of the others out there who link to T-Central.



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