I am currently looking at a promising new site that welcomes you with "I define my sex, gender, body. You define yours." Here is the introduction you will find when you visit the top page of this website of the same name:
These words summarize the intention of this site. There are no experts to tell us how to claim or identify our own sex, gender, body (sgb).
sexgenderbody.com is a community, collaborative blog, built in the same functional model of dailykos.com and mydd.com. The site is open-invitation, meaning that anyone can register and post diaries. This site has been built to serve as a public meeting place for honest and respectful conversations about the entire width and breadth of sex, gender, body. Topics will range from the intimate to the mundane, falling in love, looking in the mirror, workplace, health, advocacy, friendship, sex, identity, change, finances and the list goes on.
Every person on the planet has a unique and rich life of experience and expression. We all define ourselves as individuals in all aspects of our lives, including sex, gender & body. These three areas are intertwined with many other aspects of our identity.