For me personally, I do not consider myself as fully out - that is there
are a small handful of people that know me in both genders but majority
of those that matter to me in this world do not yet. I've had alot of
this discussion with my wife to try and gauge what that means and to me
that I am not out means that I haven't fully accepted myself here. I
mean I know that I am trans, I imagine a life that I could live as
Jaclyn but I still have fears of acceptance with work, with friends,
with other family members.
For Jaclyn, and many others, coming out as trans means telling friends, family, and work associates. The ramifications are often unknown and unexpected until after the "reveal". In a nice, thoughtful post, Jacklyn shares her thoughts on the subject.
Bridging Gaps: Perception and Perspective in Gender and Political
In today’s world, communication is more complex than ever, especially when
it comes to gender and political issues. Two key concepts that play a big
1 hour ago