As usual, I don't remember how I found Jen's blog, but I'm glad I did. It's getting very close to time for her sex reassignment surgery. If you dig into her archives you'll find lots of great posts, but this most recent one was so chock full of good stuff that I just had to feature it. It's not that she says anything that we shouldn't already know. It's just that she said those things as she usually does, in a direct, heartfelt way. It's a great reminder.
As Jen wrote, we can't change the past. Here's to the future!
Are You a Femulator (or a man in a dress)?
*By Brenda*
A femulator is someone who presents as a woman, often with the goal of
emulating female appearance and mannerisms as authentically as possible...
3 hours ago
I don't think I've ever felt so honored. Thank you for the kind words.