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Monday, May 20, 2019

Starting electrolysis

I do not want to make a fool of myself, to be mocked or ridiculed or rejected, nor do I want to be pressured into moving forwards if it does not feel right for me, or pressure others into being okay with me when this is the first time they will see me in female clothing, I do not want to damage the relationships I have – it will literally be two nights and one full day of many of those little daydreams about coffee and lunches and window shopping and dancing and being seen as a woman in public that I have had literally had for basically my entire teenage and adult life coming true....

The paragraph, above, is from the end of Dee's current post.  I so get how she feels.  Starting electrolysis, however, is not about her first time out but rather about her laser and electrolysis treatments and the amazing Magic Cream, which she explains in her blog post.

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