Rhonda as
not a costume. I have used the "get dressed up" excuse for Halloweens
in the past, so understand Halloween's relevance to the emerging or
closeted cross dresser. Rhonda is part of me and not an outfit I take
off or put on. Being transgender is not external.
In Rhonda's latest post, Know Thyself - Halloween 2016, she refers to last year's post, Real World or Halloween. Both are well written, say a lot and are worth reading. The quote, above, is from her current post.
March 31. Monday, 3/31/25 TDoV. Transgender Day of Visibility. You have
three weeks to get out!
"Transgendered people"
Look, we all know that there's an effort to cancel us. Don't let that
happen! Get out and do something in OUR world.
You have ev...
3 hours ago