I am so worried and anxious. I still just do not know what to do or
what my next step should be. I have a follow-up with the clinic in the
beginning of next year and still unsure if I should go. I feel ashamed
and not genuine as a trans person since I harbor these doubts, and not
able to voice these to anyone. I know I could probably find someone to
understand if I attended a social or support group, but that is just not
what I am able to do and that makes me so sad and alone.
Jaclyn (so pretty in that picture above) has had a rough year and writes about it in her year in review. I'm astounded when I see blog posts that are just screaming out for comments and end up with none. I hope this feature generates some response for Jaclyn.
Who's afraid of gender
Judith Butler perturbs the political right. She is correct to say that
things are not going back into the bottle with imposed heteronormative
norms for e...
3 hours ago