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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Rise and fall…

And so to today.  Acknowledging yet being unable to measure just how flat I felt, I mused that, at that semi-irrational moment, I could quite easily take crossdressing or leave it.  I could dress and to hell with it, or quite simply not bother.

T-Central features blogs from all across the transgender spectrum.  We have blogs from transsexuals and crossdressers and those in between.  We have female-to-male blogs and male-to-female blogs.  We also have blogs authored by spouses and parents of those who are transgender.

In the case of this featured post, the blogger is truly a crossdresser and freely admits it.  Many transsexuals start out crossdressing, but there's a difference.  The Recovering Crossdresser is a very interesting blog site which gets you into the mind of someone who would appear to have no interest in going beyond crossdressing and is actually treating crossdressing as more of an addiction.  Rise and fall…, is a well written post from a blogger who writes from the heart and leaves nothing behind.

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